Using the lessons learned in the Introduction to the Instinctive Method of Shooting, this episode ventures out of the clays course and you will see how to apply what you have learned on flying targets.
Keith gives practical advice on how to setup for the shot and see multi-angled views of the action. Aimcam glasses provide views over the top of the gun in real time to see how to address the target as well as wide shots to analyze the mount and movement of the gun as well.
A sample of what you will see in the course
Keith Coyle, Instructor
Keith's coaching lineage descends directly from the definitive knowledge of the legendary Robert Churchill
He learnt his trade from the very best. Working for and mentored by the renowned Chris Craddock, Roger Silcox & Sam Grice. Three of the United Kingdoms most respected Shooting Guardians.
For Keith, coaching is a passion as well as a profession. It is his intention to give shotgun enthusiasts the enjoyment and satisfaction that comes from shooting well.
Click here for information about Keith or to schedule an in person lesson
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll